Hays Staff
Abigail Hernandez
Email: ahernandez@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-301-2294
Student Success Coordinator
Alexander Renken
Email: arenken@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-625-2437
Administrative Assistant
Allie Cassity
Email: acassity@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-623-6173
Dual Enrollment Coordinator
Derek Eichman
Email: deichman@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-623-6174
Director of Maintenance Operations
Diana Baumann
Email: dbaumann@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-623-6150
Vice President of Finance & Hays Operations
Jessica Garcia Acton
Email: jacton@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-623-6169
Admissions Counselor
Josh Beiker
Email: jbeiker@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9031
Director of IT
Megan Rust
Email: mrust@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-623-6166
Student Experience Coordinator
Mendi Anschutz
Email: manschutz@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9090
Director of Advancement
Tricia Cline
Email: tcline@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-623-6198
Dean of Enrollment Management
Beloit Staff
Alayne Harbison
Email: aharbison@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9002
Administrative Assistant
Amber Witt
Email: awitt@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9034
Food Service Team Member
Brianna Pontier
Email: bpontier@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9083
Admissions Counselor
Corey Isbell
Email: cisbell@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9055
Vice President of Student & Instructional Services
Darsey Offutt
Email: doffutt@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9058
Echo Boden
Email: eboden@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-907
Tour and Testing Assistant
Emma Carlin
Email: ecarlin@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9061
Student Account Specialist
Eric Burks
Email: eburks@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9057
Jayme Owen
Email: jowen@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9037
Dean of Student Success
Jennifer Brown
Email: jbrown@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9085
Dean of Instruction
Juli Clark
Email: jclark@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9023
Food Service Team Member
Julie Alford
Email: jalford@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9040
Student Activities Coordinator
Kayla Nelson
Email: knelson@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9020
Director of Learning Services
Kelsey Stroede
Email: kstroede@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9033
Director of Food Service
Leah Bergmann
Email: lbergmann@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9062
Director of Financial Aid
Liz Fixsen
Email: lfixsen@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9059
Accounts Payable/Payroll Clerk
Lois Hanel
Email: lhanel@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9060
Assistant to President/Board Clerk
Lori Guile
Email: lguile@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-3995
Wellness Center Director
Michael Horn
Email: mhorn@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9023
Pat Krontz
Email: pkrontz@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9023
Director of Maintenance Operations
Paula Hupfer
Email: phupfer@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9023
Food Service Team Member
Russ Hupfer
Email: rhupfer@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9023
Ryan Emerson
Email: remerson@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9023
Director of Marketing
Shae Johnson
Email: sjohnson@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9021
Admissions Counselor
Shane Britt
Email: sbritt@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9075
Dean of Student Experience
Sierra Senger
Email: ssenger@ncktc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9003
Steve Weber
Email: sweber@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9023
Tina Eck
Email: teck@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9023
Food Service Team Member
Beloit Faculty
Alex Kirnie
Email: jkirnie@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9025
Instructor - Nursing
Alyssa Deneke
Email: adeneke@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9047
Advisor, Instructor - General Education
Angela Murray
Email: amurray@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-2276
Department Chair, Instructor - Nursing
Anthony Long
Email: along@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9039
Department Chair, Instructor - Agricultural Equipment Technology
Benjamin Eilert
Email: beilert@ncktc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9018
Instructor - Agricultural Equipment Technology
Blake Schroeder
Email: bschroeder@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9029
Instructor - Welding
Brian Murray
Email: bmurray@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9052
Instructor - Heavy Equipment
Chris Blass
Email: cblass@fhtechnc.edu
Cole Meier
Email: cmeier@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9035
Department Chair, Instructor - Automotive Collision Technology
Dale Gengler
Email: dgengler@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9069
Department Chair, Instructor - Commercial Drivers License
Dan Dietz
Email: ddietz@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9053
Department Chair, Instructor - Powersports Technology
Janet Moeller
Email: jmoeller@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9013
Advisor, Instructor - General Education
Jessica Cunningham
Email: jcunningham@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9027
Instructor - Nursing
Josiah Dermyer
Email: jdermyer@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9043
Instructor - Commercial Drivers License
Kate Wise
Email: kwise@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9096
Advisor, Instructor - General Education
Kyle Kopsa
Email: kkopsa@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9029
Department Chair, Instructor - Welding
Levi Clark
Email: lclark@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9010
Department Chair, Instructor - Automotive Technology
Mark Jones
Email: mjones@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9019
Department Chair, Instructor - Heavy Equipment
Mike Cheney
Email: mcheney@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9030
Department Chair, Instructor - Construction Technology
Robert Chitty
Email: rchitty@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9009
Department Chair, Instructor - Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning
Roger Meier
Email: rmeier@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9046
Department Chair, Instructor - Diesel Technology
Sally Lampert
Email: slampert@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-2276
Instructor - Nursing
Samantha Miller
Email: smiller@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9089
Instructor - Nursing
Scott Kucera
Email: skucera@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9049
Instructor - Heavy Equipment Operation
Sean Keady
Email: skeady@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9022
Advisor, Instructor - General Education
Seth Flavin
Email: sflavin@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9054
Department Chair, Instructor - Electrical Technology
Steven Ammon
Email: sammon@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-73-89010
Instructor - Automotive Technology
TeJay Kimminau
Email: tkimminau@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9015
Instructor - Electrical Technology
Tom Tsao
Email: ttsao@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9017
Instructor - Diesel Technology
Hays Faculty
Amber Meis
Email: ameis@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-623-6153
Advisor, Instructor - General Education
Andrew Schwindt
Email: aschwindt@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-301-2318
Department Chair, Instructor - Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning
Autumn Smades
Email: asmades@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-623-6163
Instructor - Nursing
Brett Pfannenstiel
Email: bpfannenstiel@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-623-6170
Instructor - Automotive Technology
Dillon Bell
Email: dbell@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-628-5323
Department Chair, Instructor - Welding
Elizabeth Metcalf
Email: emetcalf@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-623-6175
Instructor - Nursing
Ethan Kriley
Email: ekriley@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-301-2257
Department Chair, Instructor - Construction Technology
Janae Zerr
Email: jzerr@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-623-6161
Instructor - Nursing
Jennifer VonLintel
Email: jvonlintel@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-623-6154
Department Chair, Instructor - Business Office Management
Jennifer Younger
Email: jyounger@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-623-6158
Division Chair, Instructor - Business Technology
Joannie Kollman
Email: jkollman@fhtechnc.edu
Director of Respiratory Care
Julie Gross
Email: jgross@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-623-6159
Instructor - Nursing
Kathleen Albert
Email: kalbert@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-623-6165
Advisor, Instructor - General Education
Kimberla Nutting
Email: knutting@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-623-6164
Instructor - Nursing
Larry Bracken
Email: lbracken@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-625-2437
Instructor - Commercial Drivers License
Mark MacConnell
Email: mmacconnell@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-623-6172
Instructor - Automotive Technology
Melanie McMillan
Email: mmcmillan@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-301-2257
Instructor Aide - Construction Technology
Mike Eckroat
Email: meckroat@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-623-6174
Instructor Aide - PHAC
Rene Meyers
Email: rmeyers@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-623-6180
Advisor, Department Chair, Instructor - General Education
Richard Cox
Email: rcox@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-625-0707
Division Chair, Instructor - Automotive Technology
Sam Bailey
Email: sbailey@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-301-2248
Department Chair, Instructor - Electrical Technology
Sheri Stone
Email: sstone@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-623-6155
Director, Instructor - Nursing
Silver VanWey
Email: svanwey@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-623-6168
Instructor - CNA/CMA
Teresa Martin
Email: tmartin@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-623-6162
Instructor - Nursing
Tony Wilson
Email: twilson@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-301-2428
Instructor - Electrical Technology
Wilma Powers
Email: wpowers@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-623-6171
Instructor - Culinary Arts
Xavier Bouray
Email: xbouray@fhtechnc.edu
Phone: 785-738-9095
Department Chair, Instructor - Telecommunications & Network Technology
Damien Beilman
Email: dbeilman@fhtechnc.edu
Respiratory Care Clinical Director